All four have provided key testimony to support Zepporiah Edmonds in her case against the city.
Donate to The Lens through Jan. 19, and the Knight Foundation will double your gift
National media philanthropy is hoping to bolster solid local reporting in the face of fake news.
How ReNEW has tried to make up teaching for special-ed students shorted two years ago
A state investigation found that ReNEW had inflated how much extra attention it would provide certain students, and then didn’t provide the extra help to students who needed it. The state made the charter network find those students and provide the help now.
Warning: Regulating e-cigs as smoked tobacco may be hazardous to health
A classic case of special-interest lobbying on behalf of giant corporations.
Recovery School District now tracking how many students switch schools midyear because of special-education needs
Such transfers couldn’t be tracked easily before.
Around the country, bail bondsmen’s political muscle works overtime against reform efforts
Across the country, efforts to reform bail have run headlong into opposition from the bail bond industry. The bondsmen, it turns out, have considerable political muscle. Injustice Watch reports from New Orleans, Maryland and New Mexico.
New research: Expect more intense rainstorms and flooding in southern Louisiana
You may want to keep that flood insurance policy.
Live election results map: U.S. Senate race between Foster Campbell and John Kennedy
See where Kennedy, a Republican, bested Campbell, a Democrat.
With a bigot like Bannon at Trump’s side, ‘never again’ is happening right now
Why are our own Jewish organizations acquiescing to leadership this repulsive?
Next April, you’ll be able to check with the city to see if your neighbors are renting through Airbnb
The city will post names and addresses online.