This week, as the Living School moves toward its final graduation, the Class of 2024 mourns the closure of their unique high school — and explains why it mattered.
Paying sheriffs to keep the kids
‘State dollars attached to each juvenile’ would allow sheriffs to build more local juvenile-detention centers, then get paid to keep kids who are placed in state custody. Is the state paying to keep kids closer to home or incentivizing people to put kids in jail?
Behind The Lens episode 237: ‘A union victory’
Marta Jewson on Lycée Français charter school’s teachers union victory. And Delaney Dryfoos on both industry and activists taking aim at the EPA.
Language Access in Bulbancha
Unless the city provides readily accessible translation and interpretation, true civic participation is impossible for New Orleanians who speak little or no English, the writers say.
Tiếp cận Ngôn ngữ ở Bulbancha
Các tác giả cho biết: trừ khi thành phố cung cấp dịch vụ thông
dịch và biên dịch dễ tiếp cận, việc tham gia của công dân là
bất khả thi đối với những người dân New Orleans không biết
Tiếng Anh hoặc nói Tiếng Anh hạn chế.
Acceso al Idioma en Bulbancha
A menos que la ciudad proporcione traducción e interpretación realmente accesibles, la participación cívica plena es imposible para los habitantes que hablan poco o nada de inglés en Nueva Orleans, dicen los autores.
On the heels of staff non-renewals, Lycée Français teachers win union vote
The win came shortly after a group of teachers were not offered contracts for the next school year, a move that some saw as an unfair effort to undermine the union drive – and possibly jeopardize the integrity of Lycée Français for years to come.
Behind The Lens episode 236: ‘An energy company deciding subject matter’
Sara Sneath on LSU’s unusual relationship with the oil and gas industry. Marta Jewson on Lycée Français charter school’s union drive.
Tulane and Port NOLA using arrests to silence Palestine protesters
On Wednesday morning, May 1, at 2 a.m., Tulane and Loyola student protesters woke up in their sleeping bags to a police raid. State troopers were dressed in tactical vests and helmets, carrying automatic weapons, as they cleared the site. “A riot cop pointed a sniper rifle at my head,” said Loyola SDS student Juleea […]
EPA in the Crosshairs
While industry proponents still see the EPA’s administrator as their foe — deserving of Louisiana prison time, one says — environmental groups say that the agency’s lagging standards lead to increasingly polluted wastewater.