By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer |
An Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office deputy was arrested this weekend and charged with three counts each of possession of contraband and malfeasance in office after admitting that he brought cell phones into the jail for use by prisoners on three separate occasions.
The deputy’s arrest comes after District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro told The Times-Picayune newspaper last month that Telly Hankton, described by police as one of the city’s most dangerous criminals, had become too cozy a prisoner at Orleans Parish Prison. Cannizzaro said the FBI was concerned that Hankton had managed to relay messages to associates, possibly through sheriff’s deputies.
Cannizzaro’s office declined to expand on that reported claim this morning, and a spokesman for Orleans Parish Sheriff Marlin Gusman did not respond to a request for comment.
Deputy Michael Conerly admitted bringing a cell phone into the House of Detention for use by inmate Larenzo “Woodie” Peters on Saturday, according to information prepared by Gusman’s office for Conerly’s arraignment.
The Lens couldn’t immediately determine why Peters was being held; Gusman’s website would normally contain information on all prisoners, but nothing came up on a search for Peters.
Conerly’s bond was set at $15,000, and he was released from jail in the early hours of this morning after posting a bond.
Watch commander Sgt. William Holmes spotted a silver Boost Mobile cellphone and black charger in the left pocket of Conerly’s black jacket, hanging in the office, according to court records.
“Deputy Conerly admitted he brought the phone in the jail for inmate Larenzo “Woodie” Peters,” wrote investigating Deputy Earnest Newman. “Deputy Conerly also admitted he has brought in cellular telephones in the jail on two other occasions.”
Gusman’s spokesman, Marc Ehrhardt, told the Times-Picayune in October that Cannizzaro’s claim about prisoners getting cozy at Gusman’s jail was “irresponsible.”
Update, November 29: Gusman’s office told The Times-Picayune that the inmate was not Larenzo “Woodie” Peters, but Alonzo Peters, 21, who records show is jailed on a charge of heroin possession with intent to distribute.
MARLIN N. GUSMAN MUST GO!!!! He is no more than a Pseudo Sheriff. Marlin’s only concern is his public image, thus the high priced PUBLIC RELATIONS FIRM, which serves as his “mouth piece”. A firm that is trained and paid, to divert attention, deflects legitimate inquiry and contrives half-truths presented as honest answers. Marlin is the ONLY Sheriff that never has anything to say… other than- no comment; I won’t answer that; the kitchen and warehouse is almost done… and his tried and tired standard… WE ARE STILL RECOVERING FROM KATRINA!?!?
The Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office is a rudder-less ship. The command staff (Chiefs, Colonels, and Wardens), should all be replaced… save one or two. It is literally impossible, to manage any law-enforcement agency, with part-time Chiefs and incompetent absentee Wardens – which is certainly the case, at the jail this recent incident occurred. For now, we must demand more accountability, from this agency and its shuffling Pseudo Sheriff.
By the way, the unofficial buzz in certain circles is that, Pseudo Sheriff Marlin N. Gusman may run for Mayor. This is one reason why he is so antagonistic, towards our sitting Mayor. Mitch
I agree Marlin Gusman must go. Recall the criminal and put him in his own jail!!!!!!