The state has created an interactive, online map providing a realistic look at the future, which probably will be more shocking to residents than the words in the new Coastal Master Plan it is based on.
The reason, according to the state scientists who developed the plan and the map, is that there’s a rising threat from sea level rise largely due to carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.
The interactive viewer is designed to give residents a realistic idea of what the future holds over the next four decades as the Gulf of Mexico rises and the sediment-starved delta landscape continues to sink.
Viewers can see what will happen across the entire coast or their own communities under three scenarios of sea level rise, with and without the state’s plan to rebuild and protect the coast. Estimates of sea level rise are tied to future levels of greenhouse gases; greater emissions result in greater, faster sea level rise.
The interactive map also allows people to see estimates of economic damages in communities as flood risk and land loss increase over the decades.
Flood risk under low greenhouse-gas scenario
Flood risk under high greenhouse-gas scenario
Projected land loss with coastal restoration and low emissions
Projected land loss with coastal restoration and high emissions
Projected land loss without coastal restoration and high emissions
Bob Marshall
From 2013 to 2017, Bob Marshall covered environmental issues for The Lens, with a special focus on coastal restoration and wetlands. While at The Times-Picayune, his work chronicling the people, stories...
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