Following a years-long court battle and an unsuccessful attempt by neighbors to buy the street, the Newcomb Boulevard fence is coming down. Workers started to remove the fence Tuesday morning.
Kate Schuman saw the activity as she was walking along Freret Street. “Is it coming down? Today?” she asked. Told that it was, she exclaimed, “Whoa!”
The fence at Newcomb and Freret Street went up in 2006 with the approval of a city official. After city residents sued, a judge ruled that the fence was illegally blocking a public street.

In December, an appeals court ordered the city to remove the fence. But the city delayed so it could negotiate with the neighborhood association to buy the street.
Last week, Newcomb residents made their case to the Planning Commission, arguing that by buying the street, they would be able to keep the street safe for their children. The commission rejected the proposal.
At last week’s meeting, the City Council planned to take up a proposal to make the street one-way, but the matter was deferred to a later meeting.
According to Uptown Messenger, Landrieu administration spokesman Tyler Gamble said the street will be ready to be reopened to two-way traffic in seven to 10 days.