Earlier this month, Orleans Parish voters elected Dr. Jeffrey Rouse as coroner. When he takes office this spring, he’ll be the first new coroner in 40 years, succeeding Dr. Frank Minyard.
As NOLA.com/The Times-Picayune reported:
Rouse says he would like to reopen controversial death investigations, taking a second look when new evidence is presented. Despite being Minyard’s pick for successor, Rouse criticized the office’s current conditions and campaigned on a detailed platform of change. …
Rouse also advocates improving funding to the office by raising out-of-parish autopsy fees in order to boost the current $1.7 million budget, hire additional staff and implement a series of additional investigative safeguards that could improve transparency of an office that has been criticized for bungling controversial death probes.

The Lens’ Charles Maldonado will interview Rouse about his plans on Thursday morning at our Breakfast with the Newsmakers event. It starts at 8 a.m. at Basin St. Station, 501 Basin St.
Plan to come? RSVP to Anne Mueller, amueller@thelensnola.org. Parking is available at Basin St. Station.
If you can’t make it for the pastries, coffee and conversation, watch our live stream and live blog here.
Breakfast with the Newsmakers is a monthly business-social event that aims to engage The Lens’ audience with one another and with the people making news in and around New Orleans. Newsmakers events are open to the public. They are free to Lens members, with a $10 suggested donation for non-members.

Special thanks to our sponsor, Basin St. Station.
Video clip
In this clip, Rouse talks about the coroner’s duty to investigate deaths of people in jail or police custody. (A full recording of the event will be available in a couple of days.)
Full video
The Lens – Breakfast with the Newsmakers – Orleans Parish Coroner-Elect Jeffrey Rouse from Jason Berry on Vimeo.