An audit of the New Orleans Charter Science & Mathematics High School was presented last week at a meeting of the board that oversees the school.
The Oct. 17 meeting took place the same time as the school’s first quarter report card meeting, and the scheduling conflict meant that there weren’t enough members for a quorum until 10 minutes after the meeting’s scheduled 4:30 p.m. start time.
The audit was conducted by Carr Riggs & Ingram CPAs and Advisors. CRI gave Sci High an unqualified “clean” opinion as well as a statement of “no instances of noncompliance… relating to the audit of the major federal awards program,” according to Don Wheat, who gave the audit presentation.
Additionally, the New Orleans Charter Science & Mathematics High School has a spotless Profile of Education Personnel. Previous PEP issues have been resolved, Wheat said.
The PEP was submitted to the Orleans Parish School Board at the beginning of the month.
Enrollment is steady at nearly 400 students with parents already looking to enroll their children for the next school year at Sci High.
Meanwhile, the budget for fiscal year 2014 is still being revised and will be presented at the next board meeting in November. The audit uncovered an issue regarding the how quickly checks are deposited. Director of Finance Claudia Kent said the school is working on a seven-day turnaround from the time it gets a check until the time it’s deposited.
The board also was told that the Orleans Parish School Board will reimburse the school $222,368 owed for Title II invoices.
Also at the meeting last week, Jean Coulter and Joe Daschbach were unanimously elected as new board members.
Co-Principals Jecklin and Chana Benenson provided a brief school director’s report touching on Sci High’s first pep rally for the school’s basketball team as organized by their inaugural newspaper, the Sci High Times.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m. The next meeting of the Advocates for Science and Mathematics Education is scheduled for Nov. 21 at 4:30 p.m.
“CLEAN” is bought and paid for. Don’t believe it. It ayn’t true. It just ayn’t been caught yet.