The Lens’ Charles Maldonado has covered each of Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s public meetings on the 2014 city budget, where residents have voiced concerns about city services and how much they pay for them.
Landrieu has used the forums to explain the challenges facing the city and how he’s meeting them.

Now it’s your turn. Friday at 12:30 p.m., City Council Vice President Stacy Head will discuss her concerns, answer your questions and listen to your suggestions about the budget. Maldonado will weigh in with his observations from Landrieu’s five public meetings around the city.
Landrieu typically releases his proposed executive budget in October. The City Council holds budget hearings in early November. It must pass a final budget by Dec. 1. In recent years, the budget has approached $900 million, including nearly $500 million in the general fund, the locally financed portion over which the city has direct control.
How to participate
Come back here any time after 12:15 p.m. Friday and type your question in the comment box below. We’ll select questions and pose them to Head and Maldonado.
If you want a reminder, enter your email address below and you’ll get a message once the event is live. The chat will be archived here later in case you miss it.