The Lycée Français School Board met on Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. in the sanctuary of The First Presbyterian Church. One board member, Jean Montes, was absent. Six people were in the audience.
Principal Jill Otis announced that two Tulane students are working as volunteers, providing great assistance during lunch breaks.
Lycée Français is looking at four different providers for lunches: Roberts, Piccadilly, Sodexo and Penny Poole, an independent caterer. The final decision will hinge on nutritional quality and costs.
The fire department will visit Lycée Français for a surprise fire drill in October. The school is working out the best way to achieve an orderly evacuation.
Applications for the 2012-2013 school year will be accepted starting Oct. 1.
Jean-Jacques Grandiere announced Lycée Français will participate in New Orleans first-ever French Week, Nov. 11-17. The city will celebrate all things French, including associations, schools, restaurants and businesses. .
Lycee Francais has an opportunity to be accredited by the French government. A representative from the French Embassy will be present on Oct. 19 to tour the classrooms and interview teachers.
The year’s first Parent Teacher Organization meeting is Sept. 22 at 6 p.m. in Fellowship Hall on the Claiborne Campus.