By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer |

An Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office deputy was arrested while working at the jail last month after allegedly punching his ex-girlfriend in the face for refusing to discuss rumors that he had been having sex with male inmates at the jail, police records show.

Stephen Thomas, who goes by the moniker “Afistfullof Stephen Thomas” on Facebook

Thomas, 24, was allowed to change out of his deputy’s uniform before being booked back into the jail as an inmate on charges of simple battery on March 23. Thomas was released from jail the next morning on a $10,000 bond and will appear in court again on May 9, court records show.

Reached by phone, he declined to comment this afternoon.

The victim of the assault asked that her name be redacted from the police report to protect her safety, and The Lens agreed. The woman, who is also a deputy, declined to comment on the incident.

“It’s not a good idea,” she said.

Orleans Parish Sheriff Marlin Gusman has yet to release any information about the arrest to the public, and his office did not respond to a request for comment.

Gusman’s internal affairs investigator told police that Thomas would be suspended and relieved of his commission and badge, according to the arrest report.

New Orleans Police Department Officer Joseph Hebert made the arrest after being called to Touro Hospital earlier that afternoon. He spoke with Thomas’s ex-girlfriend, the victim, who relayed the following, according to Hebert’s report, obtained through a public-records request:

At about 10:30AM, her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Stephen Thomas arrived at her residence to discuss a matter about work. Thomas asked her about a rumor that was going around their workplace about him having sexual intercourse with male inmates at central lock up. [Victim’s name] stated she did not want to get involved with it in fear of getting in trouble at work. It was at this time [victim] stated Thomas struck her with a closed fist in the face causing her to fall down and break her ankle.

2 replies on “Sheriff's deputy arrested while on duty at jail after ex-girlfriend complains of beating”

  1. Reached by phone, he declined to comment this afternoon.

    -Why do I have a feeling that was an interesting phone call?

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