Tossing out more blight – It seems the Housing Authority of New Orleans is finally doing something about one of the city’s many scattered sites. Christopher Park, a largely abandoned housing complex in Algiers, is being considered for demolition. You may remember Christopher Park for another reason: In January, community organizers and reporters found file cabinets full of confidential tenant information in one of rooms of the decrepit complex. Since then, HANO removed the information, but the building still stood, even though HANO rendered it unfit for habitation prior to Katrina. Tearing down these buildings means activity in the 100-year floodplain, triggering a required public-comment period, so HANO welcomes comments from citizens. Info: 504-670-3338

Cleanliness and safety not a priority here – The state’s Medicaid agency has terminated health coverage for Fields De La Naturale, a Monroe-based mental health center, because it failed to meet minimum health and safety standards.

Chemicals? School food? Makes perfect sense – School Food and Nutrition Services of New Orleans, Inc., is seeking bids for “chemicals and services.” What does that even mean? Drano to unclog their sinks? We sure hope so. Info: 504-596-3443

Community Development seeks money for housing – Attention, apartment hunters: The state Community Development office will request funds from Housing and Urban Development to build 60 one-bedroom units at 2222 Tulane Ave. No info number.

Does C stand for “curse”? – In the wake of former Judge David L. Bell’s resignation from Section C of Orleans Parish Juvenile Court, Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration has officially called for a special general election to find his replacement. Bell resigned a day after the state Supreme Court temporarily removed Bell from the bench for still-undisclosed disciplinary reasons. Bell won a special election in 2004 to replace Judge Yvonne Hughes, who was removed for misconduct. Let’s hope this election can break the curse that has befallen Section C.

Lakeview residents may get bloody mary with their eggs Benedict – The City Council at its July 15 meeting will consider rezoning a city block in Lakeview where Café Navarre is located to allow for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Marigny residents could get strip mall – The City Council will consider allowing a 10,000-square-foot commercial building to be built on the south side of St Claude Avenue, bordered by St. Roch Avenue and Spain Street. The building would include a neighborhood center, offices, personal services shops, retail stores, and a standard restaurant.

Sick of blighted property in your neighborhood? Convince your neighborhood association to apply for money from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. More than $2 million dollars is available for community-based organizations to purchase and rehabilitate abandoned or foreclosed properties and redevelop demolished or vacant properties. Apply at 1340 Poydras St., on the 10th floor. The deadline to apply is July 16, 2010 at 3 p.m. Call (504) 658-4262 for more information.

Compiled by Jean-Paul Arguello and Jessica Williams

One reply on “The Small Print”

  1. Thank you, Lens! Your site is SO valuable to the citizens of this city. Among other kudos, know that I and many others truly appreciate the attention to urban planning and design you exhibit.

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