I have know for a few weeks that the series of reports done by Lee Zurik had been awarded the “duPont award”:http://www.journalism.columbia.edu/cs/ContentServer/jrn/1212612076307/page/1212612076272/JRNSimplePage2.htm but it was nice to see it announced today. I heard the announcment via Twitter via “@The_Gambit”:http://twitter.com/The_Gambit Nice to see new media spreading the news of old media around.

I look forward to working with Lee again when he comes back on air in the spring. In the meantime the first joint reporting effort of “WVUE”:http://www.fox8live.com/news/local/story/FOX-8-and-The-Lens-announce-partnership/P4v_kOnFTkOC4y8bUAneDw.cspx and “The Lens”: http://thelensnola.org/ will air Tuesday Jan 19th.
I live across from the St. Roch Market. Neighbors say they overheard people outside the market discussing its imminent demolition. This sounds like a wild rumor to me, but just in case I’m putting the word out. Does anyone have info? A way to find out what is going on?? Scotty 504-701-5180