If you look at this photo you will see the people who are cooking and serving the food outside Commanders are citizens of New Orleans.

These are the people who did not leave, these are the people who stand this City back up after it falls down. These are the people who clean the storm drains, pick up the debris, patrol their Neighborhoods and make it a CITY

“So”:http://thechicory.com/blog/?p=452 next “time”:http://wecouldbefamous.blogspot.com/2008/09/third-estate.html you “think”:http://toulousestreet.wordpress.com/2008/09/03/im-with-james-obyrne/ “about”:http://blogofneworleans.com/blog/2008/09/02/tier-wars-fielkow-head-fire-back/ “shutting”:http://librarychronicles.blogspot.com/2008_09_01_archive.html#1698158075401138554 “people”:http://adrastos.blog-city.com/why_we_fume.htm out, think again.

Commandos at Commanders

Someone at City Hall said that what Katrina did to the Levees, Gustav did to Entergy. If that is so we need to have the same level of scrutiny applied to Entery that we have had to the ACOE. A system that has widespread failure is not what we need, and just “like after Katrina I am sure Entergy”:http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4200/is_20060220/ai_n16159641 is positioning itself to get what they can.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

3 replies on “First Tier”

  1. Our Mayor thinks the feds have spy satellites set on New Orleans:


    He’s also trying to grab credit for the poor evacuees getting money back from FEMA, as if the Bush administration wouldn’t have thought of that themselves in an election year.

    But the most telling part of this interview is at the end of part one: “I think this is a pause and reset button, if you will. I think we’re going to start to accelerate this recovery at a level we haven’t seen. ”

    While I hope that is true for coastal restoration and the closure of MRGO, as well as additional levee support, Nagin’s comment along with the shilling for Entergy makes it sound like a money grab. I really think Gov. Jindal, who did a fantastic job overseeing storm prep and initial recovery details, needs to look into dismantling Entergy’s monopoly over most parts of this state. From what I know personally, Rod West’s public statements did not match on the ground assessments. And I’m just a know-nothing private citizen, not an electrical engineer.

  2. To PBJ’s credit, he has been publicly critical of Entergy for what the Gov calls an inexcusable delay in restoring power. We’ll see if there’s any follow-through there.

  3. Although PBJ is publicly critical, Baton Rouge is still without power and probably will be for the next 2 weeks.

    What I’ve understoood from others up there is that Entergy was not particularly concerned about manpower on the ground to fix anything, because they didn’t have the materials they needed to fix anything either. Even in the sight of what threatened to be a major hurricane.

    And if it can happen there, it can happen here too.

    These clowns need to be brought down. Hard.

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