Just back from a trip to “Netroots Nation”:http://www.netrootsnation.org/node/865 in Austin Texas.

The last time I was in the Convention Center in Austin it was to register for Red Cross relief. This time it was under much better circumstances.
Thanks to “Al”:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/al-giordano, “Eli”:http://wecouldbefamous.blogspot.com/
“John”:http://www.johnmbarry.com/bio.htm and “Marshall”:http://www.fubcno.org/tp30_print/page.asp?ID=57474 for putting together an interesting panel.
“Allan got us all on the same page.”:http://thinknola.com/
Karen –
Saw you at Netroots. I’d like to get in touch. Can you zap me an e-mail?