FEMA Section 106
Public Notice Regarding Historic Review of Privately-Owned Residential Buildings Proposed for Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana – Non-Collapsed Buildings Seeking Comment

Address: 3319 Iberville St
Owner: Leopold Peyret
Tax Bill: 206206116
Property Description: Sq 451 Lot 17 Iberville 30X102
Planning District: Mid-City
Flood Zone: A4
Damage Assessment
Estimated Flood Depth: 3.5
Flood Duration (days): 0
Damage Report: 37.14%
I posted the following comment on FEMA’s website:
I would like to suggest an alternative to demolition for 3319-21 Iberville Street, New Orleans LA 70119.
The specific alternative I would like to suggest is: renovation. As a source of funding for renovation, I’d like to suggest the Historic Building Recovery Grant Program. I believe this house would be eligible.
More info at
Also, the owner should feel free to contact the Mid-City Neighborhood Organization if he or she needs help figuring out alternatives to demolition. Their website is at http://mcno.org/
This house is part of the distinctive housing stock of a national historic district. Please don’t tear it down.
Of course, I make this comment without full awareness of any structural problems the house may have. I merely observed from the street (I live two blocks away) that it looks to be in pretty good shape.
Why does this post say “4603 Banks Street”? Also, it should be noted that this property has been removed from FEMA’s demolition list for reasons unknown.
I can find out why this was bounced off the list. Give me til mid-week. Jesus Murphy, don’t know where the week went. I will look into this because I want to know every aspect of this process. The people at FEMA are really trying to help us iron out the kinks in all this. Monday we have a special meeting at City Council with all parties involved in demolition. It will be on Geek TV.
4603 Banks ? Probably a small error we do have another Mid City property in our database there.
Bart..You have eagle eyes. That was because I cut and copied the basic information.
Thanks, I will fix it.