FEMA Section 106
Public Notice Regarding Historic Review of Privately-Owned Residential Buildings Proposed for Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana – Non-Collapsed Buildings Seeking Comment

This house is in great condition in a highly repopulated area between Carrollton Ave. and Leonides Street

I was able to peek inside and see that the house had been gutted and with very little effort could be put to use as a home.

We also have a shotgun in the same area as this house. The floodwaters were much deeper, but because it has plaster walls we were able to remediate the mold and put the house back into use.
The hard part has been done on this paticular house, moving all the wet and ruined contents now it would seem that a bottle of bleach and a scrub brush could turn this place back into a home.
We want to retain the character and scale of our historic neighborhood. Demolition of stable, secure housing, especially in neighborhoods on the National Historic Register like ours, should the the option of LAST resort.
This type of thing is the thin edge of the wedge. I live 3 blocks from this house, and hate to see this happening in any neighborhood, let alone my own. If people are allowed to bulldoze perfectly viable historic housing stock all over New Orleans, what will our city look like in 10 or even 2 years? This will result in the jack-o-lantern effect we have been warned against. Please fellow New Orleanians, speak out when you realize that something like this is being proposed in your neighborhood. We won’t have a city left if you don’t!
I have been by this house many times and it is adorable…prime for a first time ownership. It has too much haracter and historic value to be demolished.
Do you know why it is set for demolition and not for sale? Is the current owner holding on to the property or did it get sold to a developer who might try to put a multi family residence in an area that I believe is not zoned for that. Inquirying minds must know…….
According to the Orleans tax assessor database online, it’s owner-occupied (or was before the storm), and the current owner purchased it in 2003.
It’s like Laureen said, a lot of people who can’t come back feel stuck and just see demolition as a way of moving forward. We need to use the historic ordinances to reign this in, and we need to find some way to educate owners that sale of the existing structure is a financially viable alternative to demolition.