FEMA Section 106
Public Notice Regarding Historic Review of Privately-Owned Residential Buildings Proposed for Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana – Non-Collapsed Buildings Seeking Comment
Result: Unknown

2030 Farragut Street, Algiers
This house is on a large plot of land in Algiers, near the intersection of Shirley and General de Gaulle (outside the Algiers Point Historic District). Orleans Parish Assessor’s office shows it as owned since 2003 by David B. Kaufman, 2020 Farragut St (i.e., the house next door). The house is in an advanced state of collapse; most of the roof and floor are gone from the front half of the building. It clearly was once a beautiful old estate.
The blocks around this area, sandwiched between Behrman Park and the bridge, have almost a rural feel to them, very unlike either the historic Algiers Point or the suburban sprawl of the rest of Algiers. I grew up in Algiers and spent lots of time at Behrman and I never knew this secluded enclave existed.