This information is taken from the ordinance establishing the Housing Conservation District Review Committee.

Applications for demolition permits shall be reviewed on a bi-weekly basis, and shall be evaluated according to the following criteria:
1. Condition of structure.
2. Architectural significance of structure.
3. Historical significance of structure.
4. Urban Design significance of structure as it relates to: a) pedestrian perception and movement. b) height, area and bulk of the structure and how it relates to the street scene, traffic, and other buildings in the vicinity.
5. Neighborhood context of subject structure, including the condition and architectural, historical and urban design significance of other structures in the vicinity of the subject structure.
6. Proposed length of time the site is anticipated to remain undeveloped.
7. Proposed plan for redevelopment, and it’s relationship to principle 4.
8. Committee may require the applicant to secure zoning approvals for the redevelopment of the property prior to issuance of demolition permit.
i heard the hcdrc was in responce to a rash of demolitions in historic districts not protecte by the hdlc. is this true? if it os does anyone know wherehomes were being demolished? And finally, in what year was the hcdrc created?
The information I have is only from the current Municipal Code. So I am not sure about the date, of 1976 which appears on the T-P website you read. It may be a much newer entity, it may only be six years old. I can follow up on that detail when I am next in the vicinity of the library.
Online you can read the ordinance governing the HCDRC by going thru the City Council’s portal.
*However, once you get to the municode website, type Chapter 26-3 into the search box and you’ll get there.
Thanks for the great question. The jurisdiction of the HCDRC is described in the ordinance. As far as what has been demolished there in these areas? We can only look back into the demolition applications in the city’s records to get a feel for that. Do you need some homework?
You should be able to go look at the Times Picayune notices that were probably a requirement at the time, just as they are now. There you could get a glance at the requests. The microfilm is on the 3rd floor of the main library downtown. It is a fun way to spend an afternoon.
Did I just say that??
Do let me know if you have any more questions.