Housing Conservation District Review Committee
Meeting Agenda for August 28, 2006
10 a.m., Room 7E07 City Hall

2523 Gen. Ogden St. Owner Maurice Thompson has applied to demolish this Arts & Crafts single shotgun to be replaced with a single family residence of no specific style or type (no redevelopment plan has been submitted).

For more information about the proposed demolitions or to express an opinion, please call Maryann Miller at 636-3046 or email her at “mmiller@prcno.org”:mailto:mmiller@prcno.org.
I have always loved the word “quotidian”:http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/netdict?quotidian. I love that it is an unusal word to say. Yet the meaning is common, daily, perhaps even used to describe dullness.
I was a student of textile design in College and the one great surprize was going into the textile archives in the Museum in Lowell Mass., and seeing sample books from the late 1800 s. The fabrics were “daily” fabric. The fabric that made the dresses and daily clothing of the women who toiled.
Usually in Museums you see the Grand and Great. The Wedding Dress, the Party Dress, The Funeral Dress. You never see the Daily Dress, and the Daily Dress is really how we live our life.
It is easy to fight the Preservation for the Grand House, but not so easy to fight it for the Daily House, the houses that most of us live in.
When I shot these photos of this house this morning, I wondered if the owner knew what he was trying to destroy? Does he know that no matter what he builds there it will never be as great and grand as the house that stands there now.