Grandstanding is a tradition as old as politics itself. Knowing that, The Lens was not surprised to hear the city’s deputy chief administrative officer accuse inquisitive City Council members of holding up progress at Thursday’s City Council meeting.

As we wrote Friday, deputy CAO Cynthia Sylvain-Lear wanted the council to roll over a list of capital budget appropriations so the administration would not have to wait two weeks until the next council meeting to start spending.

“We are pushing hard to get projects out to bid,” she said.  “What you are saying is you want us to wait.”

Council members called her bluff and asked which projects in particular are being delayed by waiting two weeks. Sylvain-Lear said she didn’t know, that she’d have to get back to them.

We are still waiting for a list of the projects that are ready to go out to bid, but have been delayed by the council’s need to review them before the vote.  The question was submitted to city spokeswoman Ceeon Quiett Friday. She has not yet responded.

Here is another link to the list for your own DIY investigative pleasure.