For the first time, The Lens is a proud participant in the Greater New Orleans Foundation’s Freeman Challenges Grant and the first nonprofit to be awarded the grant to establish a rainy-day reserve fund. The Lens’ board of directors and staff believe that establishing a cash reserve creates more long-term stability for providing the reporting you’ve come to rely on.
We must raise $10,000 by Nov. 30 to benefit from this grant.
When we reach that goal, the Freeman Challenge will grant us $5,000, and the $15,000 total will be put in a separate board-restricted account.
We invite you to take the lead and support our cash-reserve campaign, Banking on the Future of The Lens. Your gift will pave the way for a successful campaign.
Please click here to make your tax-deductible 2016 commitment to support our Banking on the Future of The Lens campaign.
To ensure your gift is restricted to the Banking on the Future of The Lens campaign, please fill out the message section of the Paypal form or contact Anne Mueller.
DONORS, as of May 24 (in alphabetical order)
Thomas Abrams
Steve Beatty, Lens staff
Karen Gadbois, Lens staff
Calvin Johnson, The Lens’ chairman of the board of directors
Anne Mueller, Lens staff
Bev & Ray Nichols
Stephanie Stokes
For over 30 years, the Greater New Orleans Foundation has been connecting donors to community needs. We help create a resilient, sustainable, vibrant community in which individuals and families flourish and the special character of our region is preserved, celebrated, and supported.
The Lens is a proud grantee of The Freeman Board-Restricted Reserve Challenge.
The Challenge is described as follows: The rewards of a reserve or “rainy day” fund are many: it can help with the ups-and-downs of funding; it can cover unexpected dips in revenue due to an ever-changing economic landscape; and, it can provide working capital for an unplanned opportunity. It’s the safety cushion an organization knows it needs, yet far too few organizations have in place.