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Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage


Just like that your neighborhood becomes a footprint, an outline, lower Mid City is about to become a shovel ready for the LSU VA complex. So the questions remain, is this the done deal they say it is or will the “lack of funds torpedo”: the LSU component. Will we see the cultural institutions such […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Feast of the Epiphany

Today I witnessed the Archdiocese celebrate the “Feast of the Epiphany”: Epiphany is a Christian feast celebrating the ‘shining forth’ or revelation of God to mankind in human form, in the person of Jesus Christ It was especially odd way to celebrate with the novelist “Poppy Z Brite”: getting hauled away in handcuffs along with […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Gambit Weekly

Gambit Weekly graciously honored me with “The New Orleanian of the Year Award.”: I appreciate the fact that they recognize the hard work of citizens who have been at the forefront of this recovery. Saturday afternoon I took a ride over to “David’s House”: and got a chance to see this wonderful painting by “Karen […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage


Grace Athas photo I originally wrote this as an e mail to a few friends of “Marshall Truehill’s”: At a time when so many leaders have forgotten how to lead, and people bemoan the lack of leadership I would suggest that we have had among us many great leaders. Marshall was one of them. To […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage


One of the most inspired and inspirational citizens of New Orleans has passed away. Words are just words unless followed with deed and Marshall “was one who”: was full of “passionate word and deed”: I last saw Marshall at the gym, he and his wife Miranda were entering as I was leaving. We spoke about […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Mr. Gettridge

Last month Mr. Gettridge came to the NCDC meeting to hear the fate of “Sister Gertrude Morgan’s House”: Mr. Gettridge had purchased her home after she passed away many years ago. The house had floated off it’s piers after the levees broke. And Mr. Gettridge wanted to save some of the roof tiles before it […]