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Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Health Care Town Hall in Reserve…

I guess she wants to go off the reservation. “link”: It seems odd that the “Krewe of Truth”: is promoting this obvious attempt to discredit the “public option”: making it sound like it is just a couple of happy go lucky guys looking for the truth. Maybe they wouldn’t be so happy go lucky if […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

NPR and comments

Here is a link to an NPR interview I did. “Link”: And in other news. For some reason I can not get to the comment moderation page. If you left a comment and don’t see it please send it to me at Karen.gadbois at I will post it manually and try and figure out […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Demolition by chainsaw Babin/Africa Plantation

I received a disturbing e mail this morning that the Babin / African Museum was demolished using a chainsaw. The house as it stood is near the very bottom of the page “link”: The Africa Plantation House, located in Modeste, Louisiana is another building of African American significance in the Donaldsonville area. It was originally […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

The Archdiocese opts for demolition

This weeks NCDC agenda contains an application to demolish “The Annunciation Church”: My guess is they want to demolish the Church along with the rectory and meeting hall to build senior housing. Which in and of itself may be a needed service, but with the abundance of vacant lots in the City it would seem […]

Posted inCriminal Justice

Death of the Daily

The death of daily newspapers has been predicted for decades, but in the past year their decline accelerated. The consequence of diminished investigative reporting is especially dire on the Gulf Coast where communities remain in the throes of post-disaster recovery, with public policies undergoing major reform and billions in federal recovery dollars being spent with little oversight or accountability. The huge stakes here did not prevent Advance Publications, owner the Greater New Orleans region’s only daily newspaper, The Times Picayune, from recently announcing plans to further shrink its newsroom – and further erode coverage of the critical issues facing this uniquely challenged region.

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

New in the news

For the last few months I have been working on a project to create an online data driven investigative news source. I have been incubating this under the umbrella of “The New Orleans Institute”: and we have been making some steady progress to that end. Last week we were chosen by the “Zeitoun Foundation”: to […]