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Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Rock and Bowl

photo credit: “Mark Folse”: SHAMARR ALLEN STOOGES BRASS BAND FREE BOWLING $15 …and all proceeds benefit the peace efforts of SilenceIsViolence and the Social Aid and Pleasure Club Task Force! Please join us on Sunday, November 8 after the Saints game to celebrate community-based peace efforts at the beautiful new Rock-N-Bowl! Learn more about all […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Gustav Revisted or Rosedale Baptist Church vs The City of New Orleans

This past Monday and Tuesday the case of The Rosedale Baptist Church vs C. Ray Nagin was heard in federal court in front of the Honorable “Judge Martin Feldman”: The 6 person jury, oddly none of which reside in Orleans Parish heard 2 days of testimony about the post Gustav demolition of the Rosedale Baptist […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

It's Carnival Time

Well not really. It is actually City Budget Time. CITY COUNCIL HEARINGS ON 2010 PROPOSED BUDGET The Council will hold hearings on the Mayor’s proposed 2010 budget, beginning on Friday, November 6, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. in the City Council Chamber. Hearing dates for individual departments and agencies are: CITY COUNCIL BUDGET HEARING SCHEDULE -2010 […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Staying Local

Many of you have heard of “Stay Local”: a great initiative that enables you to find a multitude of goods and services close to home. Stay Local isn’t just a local directory it is a database of all our local home grown businesses as well as a project of the Urban Conservancy which celebrates and […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

The Times Picayune

The Times-Picayune is a daily newspaper Established as The Picayune in 1837, the paper’s initial price was one picayune A picayune was a Spanish coin worth half a Spanish real. Its name derives from the French language picaillon, which is itself from the Provencall language picaioun, meaning “small coin.” By extension,picayune can mean “trivial” or […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage


This week famous foreclosure “LaLaurie is adding a new chapter in it’s place in “history.”: Nicholas Cage’s French Quarter home is on the foreclosure chopping block. I guess New Orleans is through bucking the trends, that or Nick Cage needs to make more movies. A recent article in “The Salisbury Journal” began this way: Nicolas […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Investigations

A New Source

The Lens will be an investigative news source and daily blog. Data-driven news stories, thoroughly researched and engagingly presented, will be complemented by daily blogs that cut to the quick. We will look behind the smoke and mirrors of big-city governance and also shine a light on key issues in communities too often ignored by […]