The leadership of Audubon Charter School will hold a public hearing on its proposed 2012-13 budget Saturday at 11:30 a.m., 719 S. Carrollton Ave., seeking input from parents and community members.

Next year’s budget, which goes into effect July 1, is 2 percent higher than the current year, rising from $6.72 million to  $6.84 million. That’s a $125,000 increase.

Click here to download a one-page pdf showing the two years’ budgets and percentage changes.

The budget increase comes primarily from an expected increase in enrollment, though precise projections were not available. Each new student increases the amount of money provided by the state, called the Minimum Foundation Program, which is computed on a per-pupil basis.

That per-student funding is projected to be a little more than $5.8 million out of the school’s $6.8 million total budget. That puts MFP funding at around 85 percent of Audubon’s total revenue for next year.

Though the amount Audubon officials expect is hefty, they also expect to spend all of it, leaving the school no extra money.

Salaries are expected to take up most of the budget, set at $4.1 million, about 3 percent higher than the current year.

Salaries and benefits account for 82 percent of the school’s expenses. Custodial pay, insurance, materials and purchased services take up the next big bulk of funding.

Though Audubon hosts many fund-raisers throughout each year to help finance various projects, that money not included in the budget. As of this month the school raised about $68,000 towards its $75,000 fund-raising goal.