Will your neighbors be all in for Donald Trump on Election Day? Or will Hillary Clinton claim the territory around you?
A one-of-a-kind map created by The Lens lets you see geographic voting patterns at a glance on election night as the results come in, and then lets you dive down to the precinct level – anywhere in the Louisiana. The map is tied to the Secretary of State’s elections results, and it checks in every two minutes. That ensures that the easily navigated map is as up to date as possible.
The map’s usefulness extends well past Election Day. Each map joins our previous efforts in an online archive, continuously available to voters and researchers.
It takes a good deal of technical skill and money to keep current with nearly 4,000 voting precincts statewide. Perhaps that’s why no other news media outlet in Louisiana makes the effort.
As the state’s first nonprofit newsroom, we’re committed to continuing this public service, and we need your help to make it happen. Your tax-deductible gift today to The Lens will help pay for the continuing development, maintenance and production of this real-time data visualization you can’t get from anyone else.
All politics is local, as the saying goes, and it doesn’t get more local than this. Help us show you how Louisiana votes on Nov. 8.

You can see an overview of the state…

… zoom in to explore a particular parish…

…or take close look at one voting precinct.

The Lens, New Orleans’ first nonprofit investigative newsroom, is supported by readers like you. Become a member today.