We scan the legal ads so you don’t have to.
No thang, except for the water quality.
The state agency in charge of protecting the environment has renewed permits allowing two private companies to dump dirty water into Louisiana waterways.
Louisiana Office of Environmental Quality officials say they’ve determined the discharge won’t have “adverse impact,” yet, “some change in existing water quality may occur.” The Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits went to Terminal Stevedores, Inc., to dump dirty water from a derrick crane barge into the Mississippi River and to River Birch Inc. so the Avondale company could dump storm water from a landfill into Sauls Canal, which will then flow into Lake Catahouche. Info: 225-219-LDEQ.
John Lafitte doesn’t want to take the heat
John Lafitte Airboat Rides and Airboat Adventures, owners of M/V Swamp Taxi, are claiming that they had nothing to do with an incident on March 20 during a swamp tour in which multiple passengers “reportedly fell.” Fell as in fell down? Or fell as in died? Either way, they are claiming they aren’t responsible. No info number.
Desperately seeking ozone watchers
The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality is seeking bids for a modeling project meant to help the state agency better calculate ozone levels and evaluate emissions reduction strategies. Info: (225) 219-3172
You missed one:
The Great Voter Purge of 2010…