FEMA Section 106
Public Notice Regarding Historic Review of Privately-Owned Residential Buildings Proposed for Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana – Non-Collapsed Buildings Seeking Comment

Result: Unknown

3019 Delachaise Street

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3019 Delachaise Street, Broadmoor

Just north of Claiborne. This house has not been cleaned or gutted, it’s still full of flood damaged furniture and appliances, and the sheet rock shows that flooding was four feet deep in the living room. The two houses to the south of this one are completely collapsed and burned, and in fact one of them is leaning on this one. While I was taking pictures a woman drove by in a truck to look at the collapsed ones, saying she is going to bid on the demo/removal job.

I talked to a neighbor from across the street. The owner/resident was a widower, and his grown grandchildren have taken him to live in another city (not sure where). The neighbor was aware that it’s due to be demolished, but she still comes over periodically to sweep the sidewalk in front.